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Deployment using Docker

Currently only deployment via docker is supported. Single binaries will be available at a later stage.

Step 1: Create a configuration file

You must create an empty configuration file called application.conf in your current working directory.

Terminal window
touch application.conf

This file will be populated with the default config on first start. If you want to modify the config before that, you can grab the default config from the git repo.

The configuration is written in HOCON (Human-Optimized Config Object Notation).

Step 2: Deployment

You can either run the image using docker run or deploy it using docker compose.

There are 2 image variants: AMD64 and ARM64. Choose whatever you need depending on your servers cpu-architecture:

  • for Intel / AMD based CPUs
  • for ARM / Apple Silicon based CPUs

Step 2.1: Using Docker Run

Replace $architecture with either arm64 or amd64.

Executing this command will:

  • Bind the application to port 3001
  • Create a volume data.
  • Create a volume tmp.
  • Mount the config you created in step 1
  • Assign the name quacklytics to the container
Terminal window
docker run -d \
-p 3001:3000 \
-v ./application.conf:/app/application.conf \
-v data:/_data \
-v tmp:/_tmp \
--name quacklytics \$architecture:latest

Step 2.2: Using Docker Compose

This is an example minimal configuration to run Quacklytics using docker compose.

Replace $architecture with either arm64 or amd64.

image:$architecture:latest # arm64 or amd64
- "3001:3000"
- data:/_data
- tmp:/_tmp
- ./application.conf:/app/application.conf