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Sending Data

Sending events via HTTPs

The AppendEvent endpoint allows you to send an event to the server for processing. The endpoint is defined as a POST request and expects a JSON payload that follows the EventInput structure. Additionally, the URL includes a project identifier as a parameter.

Endpoint URL

Replace {projectid} with your projects ID.

POST /api/{projectid}/event

Request Format

Request Headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • X-API-KEY: your-api-key - Create a new api-key via the project settings.

Request Body

The endpoint accepts an array of events as payload. The payload should include the following fields:

  • eventType: The type of event (e.g., "user_signup").
  • distinctId: A distinct identifier for the session. This can be connected to a person profile using an $identify event.
  • timestamp: The time of the event occurring in ISO 8601 format.
  • properties: A map of additional properties. This is stored as JSON and can be queried.


"eventType": "user_signup",
"distinctId": "unique_user_123",
"timestamp": "2025-02-23T10:00:00Z",
"properties": {
"plan": "premium",
"referrer": "google"